NTC Hosting - Review Response

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Please note that this form is only for web host company's representatives.  Responses from others will not be posted.  Customers should submit new reviews or email the original reviewer instead.

You are responding to the following review:


Hmmmm............................... - Review by submitted on August 1, 2003
Customer's web site: N/A
Length of time hosted by this company: 3 months - 1 year
Date when last hosted by this company (as of August 1, 2003): 3 months - 1 year ago
Plan used: Corporate
Customer service rating: 2 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 2 out of 10
Cost rating: 2 out of 10
Overall rating: 3 out of 10
To "Absolute Garbage":

No, I'm not an employee of NTChosting and at the time was a new client with, at that point, no down time. Funny how things change.

Since mid-June, I've experienced a dozen minor outages and three major (last more than a few hours).

Customer service is slow to respond and is completely useless if the server goes down, since all contact is via email. Also, tech support seems to utilize English as a second language.

As a result of the inadequate performance, poor support and no company updates on issues (like why we are down or for how long), I've been forced to add an additional nameserver as back-up.

Bottomline: This company needs to get their act together shortly or their inexpensive hosting costs should be reduced to paying us. The 24/7 tech support and 99.9% uptime are affirmative misrepresentation (fraud) or in layman's terms... bovine fecal matter (total BS).



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