OnyxServers - Review Response

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Please note that this form is only for web host company's representatives.  Responses from others will not be posted.  Customers should submit new reviews or email the original reviewer instead.

You are responding to the following review:


Support lacking - Review by submitted on September 21, 2002
Customer's web site: N/A
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 month - 3 months
Date when last hosted by this company (as of September 21, 2002): Current customer
Plan used: Supreme 200
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 7 out of 10
Cost rating: 2 out of 10
Overall rating: 2 out of 10
I transfered my site to this host due to the great price but had some technical problmes.  My attempts to receive support from the site were rather disturbing.  Never any answer to their 1 800 line, an average of 2 days between email response, and even then they never seem to answer my question so by the time I get an answer you are looking at a month turn around.  Very Disapointed.



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