Personal UNIX - Web2010

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   Plan name: Personal UNIX
Host: Web2010 (10 plans listed)
Host URL:


If you've ever had your site hosted with this
web hosting company, please rate it:

1-worst  10-best


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by adding more info about your experience after clicking submit.


Monthly price: $21.99
Yearly price: $19.99 / month
Setup fee: $39.99
Disk space: 150 MB
Data transfer: 5 GB / month
Server Operating System: Unix
Database: None
Server software: Apache
POP mailboxes: Unlimited
Mailing lists: 0
Extra space cost: $0.25 / MB
Extra transfer cost: $20 / GB
30 days money back
Subdomains: cost extra
Uptime guarantee: 99%
Rating: 3 out of 10
Based on 2 votes
24-hour phone support: No
Daily backup: Yes

Server features:
  • SSL
  • SSH or telnet
  • Control panel
  • Usage stats
  • Own IP address
  • Anonymous FTP
  • Access to raw logs
  • Shopping cart

Server programming support:
  • Perl
  • PHP
  • Miva Empressa
  • FrontPage server extensions

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