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   Host: Webstrike Solutions
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Average customer rating: 6.68 out of 10 based on 15 votes


Mixed Bag - Review by Anonymous submitted on August 28, 2003
Customer's web site: Submitted but not made public
Length of time hosted by this company: 3 months - 1 year
Date when last hosted by this company (as of August 28, 2003): Current customer
Plan used: N/A
Customer service rating: 8 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 6 out of 10
Cost rating: 7 out of 10
Overall rating: 8 out of 10
The good:

lots of space (100 MB)
unlimited email accounts
MS Access
-- can add your own database, not ask for it to be added
web control panel
fairly quick response to questions

The not to good:

email up and down
must ask to have password protected directory changed - can't change yourself
no options for mailing lists (listservs)

My biggest peeve is that the control panel shows the password protected directory option, but does not explain that this creates a user on the server, and the Webstrike folks must make the changes. Why have something password protected if you can't change it yourself frequently?

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Excellent - Review by Dave L submitted on July 29, 2003
Customer's web site: Submitted but not made public
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 year - 3 years
Date when last hosted by this company (as of July 29, 2003): Current customer
Plan used: N/A
Customer service rating: 9 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 8 out of 10
Cost rating: 9 out of 10
Overall rating: 9 out of 10
Service has almost always been quick (email response in less than a day) and knowledgeable (esp. compared with other hosting places I've used). 

Since their tech support is in Australia, the time zone difference can be a plus for me since I'm hosting sites that I maintain outside my normal job.  (It's great getting email response in under an hour in the evening; I'm in Pacific Time.)

I have two sites with them, one with two domain names.  (Second aliased domain name was a one-time small setup fee; other places typically charge more and make it a recurring fee.)

They offer both Microsoft Windows and Linux servers.  I used Windows.

The only issue I've had is their 100 MB disk space limit.  I'm starting to outgrow it.

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They are the best! - Review by submitted on July 28, 2003
Customer's web site: www.1sthomegeorgia.com
Length of time hosted by this company: over 3 years
Date when last hosted by this company (as of July 28, 2003): Current customer
Plan used: Yearly
Customer service rating: 10 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 10 out of 10
Cost rating: 10 out of 10
Overall rating: 10 out of 10
I have multiple sites with WebStike Solutions.  Very minor issues at times, always taken care if quickly.  They are in Australia, but respond to emergencies (the pnly one I had) within a very short time.  Other support issues are solved in a few hours.  Great service, full feature all for a very low price.  Everyone I recomended them to also rave about the service.

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Premier Hosting??? FOR SURE - Review by Anonymous submitted on June 22, 2003
Customer's web site: Submitted but not made public
Length of time hosted by this company: Private
Date when last hosted by this company (as of June 22, 2003): Private
Plan used: Private
Customer service rating: 10 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 10 out of 10
Cost rating: 10 out of 10
Overall rating: 9 out of 10
These guys have got a customer service approach that is unique, quick and extremely efficient. I have got 3 domains hosted through these guys and would not look elsewhere for my hosting solution.

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Amateurish - Review by Chris Kennedy submitted on February 26, 2003
Customer's web site: Submitted but not made public
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 year - 3 years
Date when last hosted by this company (as of February 26, 2003): Current customer
Plan used: Windows $8/mo
Customer service rating: 2 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 1 out of 10
Cost rating: 2 out of 10
Overall rating: 2 out of 10
Up until last month, I was happy with webstrikesolutions.com. Then they lost all my mail, and handled the situation very poorly. They don't respond well to bad situations, and their communication leaves much to be desired.

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worst host in the whole wide world - Review by jessica submitted on January 14, 2003
Customer's web site: faithinpoison.com
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 year - 3 years
Date when last hosted by this company (as of January 14, 2003): 3 months - 1 year ago
Plan used: N/A
Customer service rating: 4 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 4 out of 10
Cost rating: 3 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
I was with this host for over 3 years and they were very bad the whole time. The are very overpriced and offer almost no support. When I went to close my account they ended up charging me for all over these things I said I never wanted and they said it was too bad because they already did it. Stay with American hosts if you are in the states...I just find it works out better.

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NO! - Review by submitted on October 16, 2002
Customer's web site: www.cantonwholesalefloral.com
Length of time hosted by this company: 3 months - 1 year
Date when last hosted by this company (as of October 16, 2002): Less than 3 months ago
Plan used: 1 year
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 1 out of 10
Cost rating: 1 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
We had more down time then with any other host. There FP ex were corrupt and Microsoft would help them fix them FREE and they didn't care. Everytime I up dated our site, it would go down and they would take 1-2 days to fix it. Microsoft checked my code and said it was not the code, but a problem at there end. They canceld our account before the end of our contract. We lost emails and data and they didn't care. They told me to "PISS OFF". There support is not 24x7. It takes 2 days before they return your email, if they ever do.

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YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR - Review by submitted on September 25, 2002
Customer's web site: www.cantonwholesalefloral.com
Length of time hosted by this company: 3 months - 1 year
Date when last hosted by this company (as of September 25, 2002): Less than 3 months ago
Plan used: 12 FREE MONTHS
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 1 out of 10
Cost rating: 1 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
Remember, you get what you pay for. We had more down time then with any other host I’ve used. We had problems with our front page extensions every time I updated our site. I was told it was a problem at my end and they wouldn’t help. I contacted Microsoft and was told that it was at there end and Microsoft would tell them FREE how to fix it, but Webstrike would not talk to them because they still say it is my problem to fix not there’s.  Check your site daily. Our site would work fine one day and be down the next due to the FP Ex problems. I even had Microsoft check my coding of our site to make sure it wasn’t from our site and it passed with flying colors. Three times I would make some changes and they would mysteriously disappear later. The last time I was told they had a major problem and had to restore from backup (that was over a month old) and we were never informed about it until I found our site had changed. They claim 24x7 support, but that is because they use email. They don’t respond to your emails for 1 to 2 days later, and in the middle of the night. If you check your mail at night, that’s not bad, but how many people want to wait until that night to fix your site if it goes down in the morning? Us eat your own risk, and don’t try to run your business on this host!

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Very good service - Review by Adam submitted on September 1, 2002
Customer's web site: www.adamkelley.com
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 month - 3 months
Date when last hosted by this company (as of September 1, 2002): Current customer
Plan used: Free for 1 year then annually (forget cost)
Customer service rating: 9 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 9 out of 10
Cost rating: 9 out of 10
Overall rating: 9 out of 10
Have been hosting with them for a couple months now.  They have resolved every issue (nothing serious or major) that has come up and have been very good at returning emails.

However, do note that their tech support people are located in Australia, so business hours in the states, are "sleeping" hours over there.  Though it is nice being able to shoot off an email at 11:00 PM EST time and getting a response in minutes, when most other businesses in North America would take the next business day to get back to you.

All in all, I'm pretty happy so far.  Am considering hosting several client sites with them in the near future.

I only give them 9's because I very rarely ever rate anybody or anything a perfect score...

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Webstrike/NAFTS review - Review by submitted on July 20, 2002
Customer's web site: NAFTS.com
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 year - 3 years
Date when last hosted by this company (as of July 20, 2002): Current customer
Plan used: Annual
Customer service rating: 10 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 8 out of 10
Cost rating: 10 out of 10
Overall rating: 10 out of 10
You cannot beat their tech service.  No canned messages, just quick replies with lots of help.

I have 5 sites on Webstrike.

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Excellent service! - Review by Anonymous submitted on June 23, 2002
Customer's web site: www.ritualabuse.net
Length of time hosted by this company: 3 months - 1 year
Date when last hosted by this company (as of June 23, 2002): Current customer
Plan used: yearly plan
Customer service rating: 10 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 10 out of 10
Cost rating: 10 out of 10
Overall rating: 10 out of 10
I use sitepoint to test my domains up time on Webstrike Solutions.com and I have had 100% up time since November 2001 when I began with them. I had some problems with Frontpage and WSS was wonderful in helping me correct the problems. Best service I could get for the price!

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Excellent host - Review by Todd submitted on February 21, 2002
Customer's web site: www.shirleymeadows.com
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 year - 3 years
Date when last hosted by this company (as of February 21, 2002): 1 year - 3 years ago
Plan used: Windows standard
Customer service rating: 9 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 8 out of 10
Cost rating: 10 out of 10
Overall rating: 9 out of 10
Unlimited email with web based access, support for FP 2002 extensions, ASP, awesome control panel for monitoring disk space, site statistics, etc.  Absolutely love this hosting service.  Fast, friendly technical support.

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Fast responses! - Review by Helen submitted on February 21, 2002
Customer's web site: lonestarsitedesign.com
Length of time hosted by this company: 3 months - 1 year
Date when last hosted by this company (as of February 21, 2002): Current customer
Plan used: Basic
Customer service rating: 9 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 9 out of 10
Cost rating: 9 out of 10
Overall rating: 9 out of 10
Despite only having email support, this company has always rapidly turned around any question I've asked - usually within minutes.

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Great Low Cost Hosting - Review by Anonymous submitted on February 6, 2002
Customer's web site: www.tasawwuf.org
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 year - 3 years
Date when last hosted by this company (as of February 6, 2002): Current customer
Plan used: Windows
Customer service rating: 9 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 8 out of 10
Cost rating: 10 out of 10
Overall rating: 9 out of 10
For the money WebStrike is great.  The first few months I was with them I had not problems.  During the last few months they have had some equipment failures.  Downtime has been mininal and if the site goes down, its back up within the hour.  You may lose your web stats though.  Overall a great host and I highly recommend them, especially for beginners.

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Great for the price - Review by Bill submitted on February 2, 2002
Customer's web site: Submitted but not made public
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 year - 3 years
Date when last hosted by this company (as of February 2, 2002): Current customer
Plan used: Windows2000
Customer service rating: 7 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 5 out of 10
Cost rating: 9 out of 10
Overall rating: 7 out of 10
In this case, you get a little more than you pay for. They're very inexpensive, and they have some really good features. However, their servers have been swapped out many times, leading one to wonder just how shipshod everything else is. Support is pretty good, their reselling program is fantastic and they try like heck...
I recommend them for sites with not too much traffic, but not for sites that may be high-profile.

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