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   Host: Infinology
Host's Web Site: Infinology
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Average customer rating: 2.51 out of 10 based on 71 votes

[Reviews 1-50] · [Reviews 51-71]


Prepaid money gone with the wind - Review by a customer submitted on August 24, 2003
Customer's web site: N/A
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 year - 3 years
Date when last hosted by this company (as of August 24, 2003): Less than 3 months ago
Plan used: ~$10/month one
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 4 out of 10
Cost rating: 1 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
I don't know what's worst, Infinology canceling my service and refusing to refund my money, or their rude (even threatening) responses when I inquire why this cancellation happened on my account.

Well, I had enough of that crap, so I filed a complaint at the local Better Business Bureau at

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Be afraid. Be very afraid. - Review by Tim Neasham submitted on August 22, 2003
Customer's web site:
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 year - 3 years
Date when last hosted by this company (as of August 22, 2003): Less than 3 months ago
Plan used: Zero Setup plan...
Customer service rating: 2 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 3 out of 10
Cost rating: 2 out of 10
Overall rating: 2 out of 10
Absolutely awful support.  I signed up for a 2 year plan.  Boy was that a mistake.  I've been counting the days until I could move from them without losing my money.  I think I should have just given up the money.  Not worth the headaches.  Up time is iffy.  Numerous, numerous e-mail outages with no answers as to why.  No notice.  No note on their system status page.  Lost my data several times.  Not critical since its a "family" page, but still...  I won't use them again if they GAVE me the serice for free.  Hell, I wouldn't use them if THEY paid ME!!! Don't even think about using them.  Go to ICD Soft.

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Horrible Downtime - Review by Eddie James submitted on August 18, 2003
Customer's web site:
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 month - 3 months
Date when last hosted by this company (as of August 18, 2003): Current customer
Plan used: Windows Server Plan
Customer service rating: 3 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 1 out of 10
Cost rating: 1 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
If you have customers that are depending on your website being up, do not use infinology. Our websites have literally been down all day (on a Monday) and we see this as inexcusable. Remember - You have been warned.

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Suspicious favorable revieewswere posted on other ratings sites. - Review by submitted on August 9, 2003
Customer's web site:
Length of time hosted by this company: less than a month
Date when last hosted by this company (as of August 9, 2003): Current customer
Plan used: Premium UNIX
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 1 out of 10
Cost rating: 1 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
The site is frequently down for periods as short as five minutes, and as long a a whole day. While the support person INSISTED that I was thr ONLY person having dificiculty, I received an e-mail stating that a disk had crashed, and almost an entire day was required to restore from back-up

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Down 20%, overly busy, service horrible - Review by splitrock submitted on August 6, 2003
Customer's web site: N/A
Length of time hosted by this company: 3 months - 1 year
Date when last hosted by this company (as of August 6, 2003): Current customer
Plan used: Premium
Customer service rating: 2 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 2 out of 10
Cost rating: 3 out of 10
Overall rating: 2 out of 10
For two days in a row now, all my sites with these guys are down.  The tech support numbers don't work or only go into voice mail that they don't return. 

When the system IS up, I get "the system is busy" a lot, then I have to refresh the screen.  Very unprofessional.

The reasonable rates don't help if your web site is down all the time.

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Worst ever!!!!!! - Review by Anonymous submitted on July 28, 2003
Customer's web site: N/A
Length of time hosted by this company: less than a month
Date when last hosted by this company (as of July 28, 2003): Less than 3 months ago
Plan used: Basic on special
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 1 out of 10
Cost rating: 2 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
Save your self a big headache...their server is down...
No tech support...1800 number on and off nobody answers the phone

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Untitled - Review by submitted on July 23, 2003
Customer's web site: Submitted but not made public
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 year - 3 years
Date when last hosted by this company (as of July 23, 2003): Current customer
Plan used: SU1000
Customer service rating: 10 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 10 out of 10
Cost rating: 10 out of 10
Overall rating: 10 out of 10
An excellent host, with superb support. No complaints, very pleased to be hosted by them. I called once with a problem, and they fix it for me over the phone in less than 10 minutes

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Painfully bad - Review by Mike submitted on July 23, 2003
Customer's web site: N/A
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 month - 3 months
Date when last hosted by this company (as of July 23, 2003): 3 months - 1 year ago
Plan used: dedicated server
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 2 out of 10
Cost rating: N/A
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
This is by far the worst host I've ever used.  I've had some of the same horrible experiences most bad reviewers have had.  Support questions would go unanswered for 4, 5 days.  This is a crisis when you have an e-commerce site that isn't taking orders for 5 days.  When I called, nobody would answer and the voice mailbox would be full.  So much for 24-hr support.  I could count on not being acknowledged unless I relentlessly called until I finally talked to someone.  This persistance would take hours, which is a complete waste of time.

I rented a dedicated server just to find out that the plan does not support email, nor does it have a router with a firewall.  So I shipped them a brand new firewall to install, which they wanted to charge me for.  Finally, last January, after I couldn't take it any more, I cancelled my service.  They still refuse to return my firewall.  Infinology claims it gets to keep any hardwar that is sent to them.

I hope you save yourself a lot of aggregation and don't use Infinology.

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Terrible!! - Review by Anonymous submitted on June 23, 2003
Customer's web site: N/A
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 month - 3 months
Date when last hosted by this company (as of June 23, 2003): N/A
Plan used: N/A
Customer service rating: N/A
Technical quality rating: N/A
Cost rating: N/A
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
Service is non-existant. Very unprofessional business - felt like it was run out of someone's garage. Forget it if you are not a web expert - they are no help.

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JUST JOINED - Review by submitted on June 14, 2003
Customer's web site:
Length of time hosted by this company: less than a month
Date when last hosted by this company (as of June 14, 2003): 3 months - 1 year ago
Plan used: one year
Customer service rating: N/A
Technical quality rating: N/A
Cost rating: N/A
Overall rating: 5 out of 10
Last night I tried to sign up with Infinology. Did all the credit card stuff, got to OK and lost my cursor and had to shut down.  Tried to call support, still waiting. In meantime went onto this site and saw the horrible reviews.  Checked my credit card today and saw $$ out and guess what.  The sign up went thru.  JUST KEEPING OUR FINGERS CROSSED THAT THIS COMPANY IS NOT AS BAD AS ALL THESE REVIEWS. 

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Totally unreliable - Review by Stephen Collins submitted on June 11, 2003
Customer's web site:
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 month - 3 months
Date when last hosted by this company (as of June 11, 2003): Less than 3 months ago
Plan used: Elite
Customer service rating: 2 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 2 out of 10
Cost rating: 5 out of 10
Overall rating: 2 out of 10
In the first month of service, my site was incapacitated for extended periods of time on four seperate occasions.  Trouble tickets sometimes went unanswered.

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Untitled - Review by submitted on June 5, 2003
Customer's web site: N/A
Length of time hosted by this company: less than a month
Date when last hosted by this company (as of June 5, 2003): Less than 3 months ago
Plan used: Plan:3. [B] Beginners Management Suite Pro "Premium Hosting Pro" Model
Customer service rating: 2 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 3 out of 10
Cost rating: 1 out of 10
Overall rating: 2 out of 10
Infinology says my account has 10Gb diskspace, and that's a lie.  I get "out of disk space" every time I upload a large file (30Mb).
Infinology deleted all my files at least 2 times without telling me, although all my files are legitimate and do not violate any terms and conditions.  I called them up and they told me that they don't have backup and that I have to upload again, which took me 3 days straight to get them back in place; then the next day Infinology deleted my files again.
Then when I wrote them an email to cancel my account within 30 days, they never refunded me the money.  I had to call my credit card company to void the charge.

This is horrible.  This host is a SCAM, and it's not as good as it sounds.  Please be cautious.

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Awful service and stole my money - Review by Paul submitted on June 3, 2003
Customer's web site:
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 year - 3 years
Date when last hosted by this company (as of June 3, 2003): 3 months - 1 year ago
Plan used: N/A
Customer service rating: 6 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 3 out of 10
Cost rating: 2 out of 10
Overall rating: 3 out of 10
I was very happy with my zerosetup account until it got transferred to these guys. I only really used it for email addresses and my POP mailboxes were unavailable about 80% of the time over a 3 week period. Eventually I switched to a different hosting service and told them to shove it.

ALso told them not to rebill me which of course they have done. I've sent three emails to them and each one goes unanswered, but I'll get my money back.

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Cheap but flaky - Review by submitted on May 21, 2003
Customer's web site: Submitted but not made public
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 year - 3 years
Date when last hosted by this company (as of May 21, 2003): Current customer
Plan used: Business Hosting Special (migrated from PrimeMaster)
Customer service rating: 3 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 1 out of 10
Cost rating: 7 out of 10
Overall rating: 3 out of 10
This would be a great host, if their damn servers weren't so unreliable.

I don't mind the total lack of customer support (Trouble Tickets are NEVER answered, and email support is extremely slow and generally unhelpful), but what good is a web host if they can't keep their servers running?

Our web server goes down for a few hours every month, and our email server about the same. The real problem, however, has been our mySQL server. It is down more often than not, and when it's up it is agonizingly slow.

Our contract expires in a couple weeks, and I think we're gonna have to find another host.

Too bad, really. They offer a lot of features and are very inexpensive. But the one thing they do not offer is uptime reliability, and that's really the only thing that counts.

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Don't use these guys! - Review by Alan Mitchell submitted on May 15, 2003
Customer's web site:
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 year - 3 years
Date when last hosted by this company (as of May 15, 2003): Current customer
Plan used: Windows 2000
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 2 out of 10
Cost rating: 3 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
Here is the latest email I wrote to the Infinology people:

So, now you have deleted everything from my site that has been added since the end of January.  Also I can no long send email using the asp code in my webpages. 

All this in addition to the usual down time that you inflict on us is just great. 

I don't expect any answers from these trouble tickets.  You stopped responding to them when your service went to crap a long time ago. 

All I can say about your latest disaster is that I'm really glad my time with you is almost up. Unfortunately, I know I'm going to have to go through the bank to keep you from charging me again.  You can try and steal my money but I'll get it back, just like the last time.  I keep telling myself, just two more months, just two more months, then I'm rid of you. 

I can't wait to get my files off your webservers. 

You guys stink!

Alan Mitchell

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Terrible But not the worst, Yet - Review by Anonymous submitted on May 13, 2003
Customer's web site:
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 year - 3 years
Date when last hosted by this company (as of May 13, 2003): Current customer
Plan used: Minimum with no e-commerce
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 2 out of 10
Cost rating: 3 out of 10
Overall rating: 3 out of 10
The hard drive space I have is very good, the control panel is good and for the most part I have been notified when there will be a server down interruption. The biggest problem I have is NO tech support and NO way to get any script files running. Their ok if you don't need any support or scripts or email. Information posted on these subjects do not work and tech support is non-existant.

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Good and cheap! - Review by Nigel submitted on May 13, 2003
Customer's web site: Submitted but not made public
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 month - 3 months
Date when last hosted by this company (as of May 13, 2003): Current customer
Plan used: Advanced Users Pro "Basic Hosting Pro" Model SU1000Elite
Customer service rating: 10 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 9 out of 10
Cost rating: 10 out of 10
Overall rating: 9 out of 10
Transferred my family website and personal email 2 months ago.

Website was down for a few hours but was promptly back up when I notified them.

No problems with email at all.

Fantastic value...9GB of disk space & 500 POPs for $6.95/month. $50 set up fee is refunded if transferring a domain.

Now can I use them for backing up my PC's in adition to hosting the website.

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worst I have ever heard of - Review by Steve pearson submitted on May 12, 2003
Customer's web site:
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 year - 3 years
Date when last hosted by this company (as of May 12, 2003): Current customer
Plan used: N/A
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 1 out of 10
Cost rating: 1 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
We never know if our email is going to work or not, if we have problems they last a long time, our website reverted back to a version from 6 months ago, customer support said they could not help it. when a problem comes up customer support is almost impossable to reach. Has unsatisfactory rating with the better business bureau for a good reason.

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Horrible - Review by Kelly Folts submitted on May 10, 2003
Customer's web site: Submitted but not made public
Length of time hosted by this company: less than a month
Date when last hosted by this company (as of May 10, 2003): Less than 3 months ago
Plan used: Basic
Customer service rating: 3 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 1 out of 10
Cost rating: 5 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
I tried Infinology for 8 days and the only good experience I had is when I found the 10 day money back policy! Their entire set of IP addresses suffer from improper subdelegation resulting in MANY email servers to refuse email from any IP address.  So, you end up not being able to email most of your friends and family.  When I inquired with customer service, I did get a reply but it wasn't satisfactory.  They simply said "yeah, we noticed that and we're working on it." I decided not to wait around past my 10 days to find out if they'd ever get to it.

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Impressive plan, if it delivered as it says - Review by submitted on May 5, 2003
Customer's web site:
Length of time hosted by this company: 3 months - 1 year
Date when last hosted by this company (as of May 5, 2003): Current customer
Plan used: Zerosetup - Web Site Starter Kit Windows
Customer service rating: 2 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 2 out of 10
Cost rating: 5 out of 10
Overall rating: 2 out of 10
The problems that I have been having with Infinology was so far tolerable. I work for the IT department here so I know what it's like to manage servers and rely on the network.

Still, how do you quantify 99.9% uptime? I've had my web sites down more than 1 in 10 times that I've brought it up. If the downtime exceeds 0.1%, should they not offer compensation? Isn't that the point of a guarantee? If there is no compensation when the guarantee is broken, then the guarantee is mere words. They might as well claim 100% uptime.

My biggest complaint is that they do not backup their data regularly. On May 3rd, a server crashed and they lost a lot of data on one of the servers... the one on which my web site was hosted. Here is their explanation:

"Some of our users on may have experienced data loss on their website due to the Fire Safety Inspection power outage on Saturday, May 3rd. As our power was being switched back and forth from our normal power to our backup power, the hard drive on this server crashed and lost data. We recovered as much data as possible and restored the server to the most recent backup. We ask you to please upload whatever content you have if it is not already on the server, as we have already restored any and all content available from the most recent backup."

When asked how often they back up, I received this response:

"We do not schedule daily backups. This problem occured with no warning giving us no time to backup the drive."

When asked when the last backup was performed, I got this:

"Last backup was in Feburary."

Spelling or typing error aside, it blew my mind that between February and May, they did not perform any backups. Although I do not know how many users were on that server or how much data was stored and lost, I would assume that any web host worth its guarantee would back up all servers frequently and regularly.

I may or may not stay with them once my contract expires. I have not yet decided. My hosting plan is officially with ZeroSetup, but they are an affiliate of Infinology. The Control Panel and domain names point to Infinology, so I have decided to post my rant here.

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Untitled - Review by Steve submitted on April 29, 2003
Customer's web site: Submitted but not made public
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 month - 3 months
Date when last hosted by this company (as of April 29, 2003): 3 months - 1 year ago
Plan used: Basic
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 1 out of 10
Cost rating: 5 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
These guys suck. First their site is always down, next they bill me after i tried to cancel the account and WOULD NOT issue a refund. I had to call my bank to get a refund. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME WITH THEM!!!

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No problem whatsoever! - Review by submitted on April 17, 2003
Customer's web site:
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 month - 3 months
Date when last hosted by this company (as of April 17, 2003): Current customer
Plan used: Advanced Users Pro "Basic Hosting Pro" Model SU1000Elite
Customer service rating: 10 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 10 out of 10
Cost rating: 10 out of 10
Overall rating: 10 out of 10
Account set up quickly. No problems whatsoever...

$6.95, 50GB/month, 9GB disk, unlimited POP email, web mail, control center. Even the $50 et up is refunded after 30 days if you are transfering a domain.

So far so good!

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Very upset with host - Review by Anonymous submitted on April 10, 2003
Customer's web site: N/A
Length of time hosted by this company: 3 months - 1 year
Date when last hosted by this company (as of April 10, 2003): Current customer
Plan used: N/A
Customer service rating: 9 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 1 out of 10
Cost rating: 2 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
Like everyone else, I did a little bit of shopping and research for my host. On paper, Infinology was hands down above the competition at the time. Unlimited transfer, unlimited email boxes, unlimited ect... for 15.95 a month (for my plan, I can't remember the name). But to get that price you have to sign up for a year. But you have 30 days to break the contract...

The first 30 days was OK. They delivered on EVERYTHING they promised. But I noticed something strange... I would check my site once in a while and it would be down. Still, I figured that was OK, since I was only paying 16 bucks a month, and the techs (very friendly, and speedy customer service) assured me that they were experiencing technical difficulties. And I was too busy to really deal with it. I figure, well they DO guarrantee 99.9% uptime, and they're probably just having techinical difficulties.

It's about 10 months later and let me tell you, it's been a nightmare. Customer upon customer emails me that they can't download my software. My site is down constantly.

Anyway, Infinology has kept every other promise, but I estimate that my site is only up about 70% of the time. And for a business, uptime is probably the most important factor. So I'm switching to another host in a few days, to prepare for a new software launch.

I hope I've been helpful.

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Great Host - Review by Leslie Jou submitted on April 9, 2003
Customer's web site: N/A
Length of time hosted by this company: 3 months - 1 year
Date when last hosted by this company (as of April 9, 2003): Current customer
Plan used: SU1400P
Customer service rating: 10 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 10 out of 10
Cost rating: 10 out of 10
Overall rating: 10 out of 10
I've used Infinology web hosting services for over several years, and they've always been respondent to my inquries and they respond in a timely manner. Furthermore, they were friendly to me even though I knew my questions were redundant.

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So far so good - Review by Nigel Marrion submitted on April 8, 2003
Customer's web site: Submitted but not made public
Length of time hosted by this company: less than a month
Date when last hosted by this company (as of April 8, 2003): Current customer
Plan used: Plan 1. [B] Advanced Users Pro "Basic Hosting Pro" Model SU1000Elite
Customer service rating: N/A
Technical quality rating: 10 out of 10
Cost rating: 10 out of 10
Overall rating: 9 out of 10
Transferred my family website and domain about 3 weeks ago.

Account was promptly set up. Functionally works well.
No outages for either website or email so far.

Have not had any reason to contact Technical Support yet.

How can anyone complain about 50GB of traffic, 9GB of disk space that is 99.9% available for $6.95/month?!

$50 set up fee is refunded when you transfer a domain as I did.

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I can't believe the wonderful ratings... - Review by submitted on March 30, 2003
Customer's web site: A few
Length of time hosted by this company: Private
Date when last hosted by this company (as of March 30, 2003): Current customer
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 1 out of 10
Cost rating: 1 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
Infinology is HORRIBLE. I don't know how much they bribe sites to list them as #1, but don't listen to them. Yeah, sure, you get lots of stuff for cheap. Or so they say. That $50 setup fee? Sorry, it has to be a transferred domain (never says THAT anywhere!). Don't bother trying to transfer another domain. They won't give you your money back. Also, they have very frequent no socket problems with FTP. They always have internal server problems. Email doesn't work. And you won't believe the OUTRAGEOUS prices. Want PHP4? That'll be $25 -- PER DOMAIN NAME, please! (Of course when I contacted sales support they said it was for all domains under the accounts) Need some more space? Another mySQL databsase? That'll be $80 per database, $7 per extra meg please. That's for the rest of the billing period. For the 'recurrent' billing period it's more. FORMS do not work. They are RUDE. High priority tickets about forms on their website not working go unresponded. I talk to them via the phone. "The tech guy will reply this afternoon." *BEEP!* they hang up, just like that. Guess what? I'm writing this at 11:00PM and I still haven't gotten any replies.

Their service is horrible, they charge for EVERYTHING, and nothing works.

I can't wait till my yearly billing period is over. They trick people into thinking their plans are perfect. HEY, TRY THIS: Go to the dedicated server plans! Look! It has the May Special price! Mighty early, considering it's March 30th! ALso, it says the May Special ends -- guess when? Yup, the end of this month.

Trust me, do not use infinology.

Their plan names are to intimidate you. They are waaaay to creative. No 'BASIC' or 'PREMIUM.' Instead, why not try 'WindowsXLS200-100SW-ELITE SP *NTO/S HOSTING?' This is to fool you into thinking the plans are better than they actually are. They give you nothing for a very hefty price when it comes down to it. And you never get your $50 set-up fee back.

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all days down - Review by daniel submitted on March 21, 2003
Customer's web site:
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 month - 3 months
Date when last hosted by this company (as of March 21, 2003): Current customer
Plan used: su1200
Customer service rating: 6 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 8 out of 10
Cost rating: 5 out of 10
Overall rating: 3 out of 10
offer is good but server are down frequently

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horrible service, ZERO support - Review by Edward Dudlik submitted on March 21, 2003
Customer's web site:
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 month - 3 months
Date when last hosted by this company (as of March 21, 2003): Current customer
Plan used: SU1400 Elite
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 2 out of 10
Cost rating: 2 out of 10
Overall rating: 2 out of 10
I have been hosted with Infinology for just over a month and already they have experienced three outages, one of them right now.  I spoke to them yesterday and they informed me kindly that their guarantee is based on yearly performance, not monthly, so you have to stick out a bad agreement to find out if they're in violation.

Their "24-hour" tech support line was closed last night, too.  I tried calling the long distance number over a dozen times and couldn't get anyone.  So much for customer service.

I give them a 2/10 because the plan would be fantastic if it worked as advertised.  Unfortunately, it doesn't, and I'm switching hosts tomorrow.  Rest assured something nasty will hold place on my paid-in-full Infinology webspace for the rest of the year.


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No Response from support - Review by submitted on March 4, 2003
Customer's web site:
Length of time hosted by this company: less than a month
Date when last hosted by this company (as of March 4, 2003): Current customer
Plan used: N/A
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 1 out of 10
Cost rating: 1 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
I paid $6,000 in advertsing and then the site went down (and is still down ) for 5 days. I have raied a trouble ticket with support and asked for information 7 times, but not even had one an email response. I am considering legal action
Infinology representative's response:

Dear Customer,

We apologize for the problen that you have been recieving. Please contact us immediately at and we will do our best to compensate you for your troubles. You are a rare case, but we will do our best to ensure that you will recieve top notch service from us in the future.



Terrible! - Review by Vicki Warren submitted on March 4, 2003
Customer's web site:
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 month - 3 months
Date when last hosted by this company (as of March 4, 2003): 3 months - 1 year ago
Plan used: Enhanced
Customer service rating: 2 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 3 out of 10
Cost rating: 1 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
Customer service is almost non-existent.  If you are able to reach someone by phone they are not able to assist you. Trouble tickets are not answered.  99% up time is not true.  They are aware of software problems with their web builder but have no plans to make a change.

A terrible service and terrible experience for a first-timer all around.
Infinology representative's response:

Dear Vicki,

We apologize for the problem you were recieving. We were upgrading our phone system, but that is done now. We will compensate you several months of free hosting for the trouble you had been recieving. Feel free to email me, personally and I will compensate you.



Always down when you need dependibility the most. - Review by CEO submitted on March 2, 2003
Customer's web site: N/A
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 year - 3 years
Date when last hosted by this company (as of March 2, 2003): Current customer
Plan used: Starter Kit
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 2 out of 10
Cost rating: 5 out of 10
Overall rating: 2 out of 10
Down very often.
Zero tech support.
Mail down time is unacceptable.
Don't go there. 
I need a reliable host and this ain't it!

Infinology representative's response:

Dear Sir,

Please explain the problems that you had been recieving and we will do our best to compensate you.



Untitled - Review by Anonymous submitted on February 24, 2003
Customer's web site: Submitted but not made public
Length of time hosted by this company: Private
Date when last hosted by this company (as of February 24, 2003): Private
Plan used: Private
Customer service rating: Private
Technical quality rating: Private
Cost rating: Private
Overall rating: 10 out of 10
Been with this host for about a year, but my site was always up

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Better than most - Review by submitted on February 16, 2003
Customer's web site:
Length of time hosted by this company: Private
Date when last hosted by this company (as of February 16, 2003): Current customer
Plan used: Private
Customer service rating: 8 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 10 out of 10
Cost rating: 10 out of 10
Overall rating: 10 out of 10
As a designer and reseller of hosting service I have tried most popular hosting services and found infinology to be better than most. I have quite a few users hosting their sites with infinology under my reseller plan and I dont get any complaints from them so I dont understand the bad reviews posted here. Uptime and service difficulty experienced by people who have posted here are excessively exaggerated especially when compared to other hosting providers. They have gone the extra distance in supporting my needs.
I recommend this hosting company to my clients and anyone reading this review. Great prices, service and uptime.

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INFINITE PROBLEMS - Review by submitted on February 7, 2003
Customer's web site:
Length of time hosted by this company: 3 months - 1 year
Date when last hosted by this company (as of February 7, 2003): Less than 3 months ago
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 1 out of 10
Cost rating: 1 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
Infinology has to be the worst hosting company I have ever dealt with.
Do not waste your time.  I cannot begin to tell you the nightmares that ensued regarding server downtime, lack of customer support and non caring attitudes once support was reached.  I am still under the impression that Infinology has no intent of ever fessing up to their errors.  For four days, I was unable to contact anyone at support, bvia email pr phone.  They’re voice message stated to leave a message due to “high call volume” (sure at 3 am high call volume). When you attempted to leave a message, your were met with, “sorry, you cannot leave a message at this time, this mail box is full”.  FOUR DAYS NO SUPPORT, A great feeling when your business has no email.

From the periods of Jan 31st 2003 – Feb 7th 2003, I have had intermittent email at best.  Contacting support has been futile.  I have written extensive detailed messages to and received 1 liner answers such as “well its fixed now”.  I was using the mail to host mail primarily for my company, and all of my employees were constantly prompted to re-enter passwords in outlook even though passwords were set to save.  Infinology acknowledged the problem, but stated that the problem was resolved in November of 2002 and stated that “it must be a configuration” problem on my end.  Clearly if there was a past acknowledged problem that is resurfacing, it cannot be on my end only.  That was the staple of the attitude there, they constantly would tell me that it was something on my end. 
The final straw has been their, unannounced and after the fact informing of customers of mail server maintenance.  Supposedly hard drives were having a problem since 1/31/03 which was causing the intermittent mail outages.  Network status pages were not updated until 24-48 hours later “after the fact” and to top it all off, mail that was headed for my account at this time, was being returned to customers stating that there is no such account on their name servers.  After the 6th day, I was able to access webmail only to learn that 8 of my 14 created accounts were no longer there and that this was as a result of the “server problems” and in addition, of the remaining accounts, ‘ALL MAIL WAS DELETED FROM EVERY FOLDER!!!” I could not believe this.  After not getting mail for nearly 7 days, any mail that as in folders was deleted.  When I inquired about possible restoring the mail from a tape backup, I was informed by Sevan Sarkisin, a technician that it would not be possible, not only would Infinology not restore my mail, but could not since system state is the only area backed up on the server. 
When I contacted billing and support at Infinology, I was seeking a partial pro-rated refund for my exceptional difficulties with my email hosting.  Not only was there constant prompt to enter password and inability to access email for all of my employees, but then, but also I could not reach support for 4 days, then when I finally do, multiple accounts are deleted, and ALL MAIL ON REMAINING ACCOUNTS HAS BEEN DELETED AND WILL NOT BE RESTORED.  I was informed that I should have read the contract closer for possibility of loss data and how they are not responsible.  While I understand that portion, there was not one apology, or attempt to maintain customers by some sort of compensation, I was actually told that I should have taken the proper measurements to backup my data (of course not them). 
Final statement

Armand Salmon if you email please ad subject “Infinology” as hotmail is a spam hotel.

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Untitled - Review by manish submitted on January 24, 2003
Customer's web site: N/A
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 month - 3 months
Date when last hosted by this company (as of January 24, 2003): Less than 3 months ago
Plan used: RedHat Engineerio 2200
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 1 out of 10
Cost rating: 1 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
I have a dedicated server .It has been disconnected without any notice and without any reason. It has cost us a lot of problem in terms of business.

When I tried to contact tech support in morning , there was no one on line . In evening when i called i found that my server is disconnected , the reason that I got is overusing the bandwidth.(I have 500GB of datatransfer in my plan), my acount show that the even 10GB bandwidth is not used .

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Rude Support Staff - Suspend you account - Review by Anonymous submitted on January 9, 2003
Customer's web site: Submitted but not made public
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 month - 3 months
Date when last hosted by this company (as of January 9, 2003): Less than 3 months ago
Plan used: 1 gig unix
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 1 out of 10
Cost rating: 1 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
This is by far the WORST company I have ever had the displeasure to use.
Not only are their servers constantly down rendering your site inaccessible, but they suspended my account for violanting their terms and conditions.  I was charged with having copyrighted mp3 files.  Indeed my site is a MUSIC site which hosts ulster-scots folk music mp3 from local UNPUBLISHED bands.  The material is not copyrighted and cannot be bought in the shops.

I tried to explain this to the Infinology support staff who simply replied with abrupt one sentence answers and basically told me to "sod off".  They identified two albums that were apparently hosted on my account that were for sale in tower records.  For instance they identified an album called Land of Hope and Glory

I have sent them several emails pointing out that the album for sale on tower records is by a group called sweet whereas the one hosted on their site is by a local Northern Ireland marching flute band, who do not perform for money or have commercial albums and that i have there flute tunes on my site as a way for people to hear their music since the only other time you will hear it is if you attend a marching parade in Northern Ireland where they are on parade.

No reponse until I send them another email and they just say they will decided what constitutes a violantion of there terms and quoted a passage from the terms and conditions.

STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY.  They are absolutely dreadful.

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Excellent Host - Review by Sammy Lee submitted on January 8, 2003
Customer's web site: Submitted but not made public
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 year - 3 years
Date when last hosted by this company (as of January 8, 2003): 3 months - 1 year ago
Plan used: SU1000A
Customer service rating: 10 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 10 out of 10
Cost rating: 10 out of 10
Overall rating: 10 out of 10
I've used Infinology for the past 12 months as my host and they have always been up for me. They were only down once and that was much better than hostrocket which was always down for me

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HORRIBLE - Review by Tim Ward submitted on January 4, 2003
Customer's web site: Submitted but not made public
Length of time hosted by this company: 3 months - 1 year
Date when last hosted by this company (as of January 4, 2003): 3 months - 1 year ago
Plan used: N/A
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 1 out of 10
Cost rating: 1 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
These people are just horrible! Don't waste your time with their slack customer service and horrible service!

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Extortionists - Review by submitted on December 19, 2002
Customer's web site:
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 month - 3 months
Date when last hosted by this company (as of December 19, 2002): Current customer
Plan used: special
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 1 out of 10
Cost rating: 1 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
Received an email stating that the site was using "excessive" CPU resources and that I would have to upgrade to dedicated server. Gave us less than 24 working hours to act. They were unable to quantify "excessive". They'll try to upgrade your account by placing you under duress.

Representative of Infinology?  Click here to respond to this review.



Bad At Everything - Review by Paul submitted on December 16, 2002
Customer's web site:
Length of time hosted by this company: Private
Date when last hosted by this company (as of December 16, 2002): Less than 3 months ago
Plan used: Private
Customer service rating: 3 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 2 out of 10
Cost rating: 2 out of 10
Overall rating: 2 out of 10
Infinology fails to meet almost every reasonable expectation.  First, the three sites I had with them were constantly down (as monitored by InternetSeer), sometimes for days.  The billing is a labyrinth of deception and hidden fees: my plan "evolved" from $5/month to hundreds of dollars a year.  Evidently, Infinology's primary use of automation is to demoralize the customer: its billing system sends me weekly "reminders" for accounts that no longer exist.  Their website, which abounds with misspelled words, syntax errors, and sentences that are plainly nonsense (apparently their website was written by somebody not completely in command of English), is cumbersome and itself not infrequently down.  Even uploading resources was a pain: their cumbersome HTML-based FTP application, also, true to Infinology form, riddled with mistakes, redundancies and cryptic, misstated information, requires you to delete online resources before uploading a new version, so that your customers can experience momentary losses of resources in addition to their frequent downtimes.  Their customer support is unprofessional, often unavailable, and condescending.  One guy, who sounded like he was on Ritalin, demanded of me: "Do you know how hard it is to keep a site up?" Evidently not.  Stay away from Infinology.  They're a business that we'd be better off without.

Representative of Infinology?  Click here to respond to this review.



Worst Hosting Ever - Review by Anonymous submitted on December 1, 2002
Customer's web site: Submitted but not made public
Length of time hosted by this company: 3 months - 1 year
Date when last hosted by this company (as of December 1, 2002): Current customer
Plan used: N/A
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 1 out of 10
Cost rating: 1 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
Servers are constantly down I have tracking data that shows down time every single day. I have a fairly expensive plan and feel I have been robbed. Current outage is going on 5 days and I came to this site to find a new provider. I am absolutley sick of them. It took me a lot of detective work to find a phone number to get a live body on the phone. They claim to have offices all over california but none are listed.

They never credit downtime and take forever to answer any technical support issues. I think they are way understaffed and there servers are slower than slow.

There reply to tech support request with an attitude. They do not care about there customers. I would not recomend this service to anyone. I have been robbed of nearly 300.00 dollars

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HEARTBREAKINGLY POOR - Review by mbols submitted on November 30, 2002
Customer's web site: Submitted but not made public
Length of time hosted by this company: 3 months - 1 year
Date when last hosted by this company (as of November 30, 2002): Private
Plan used: sw1400
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 2 out of 10
Cost rating: 1 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
They SAY they have 99.9% uptime guarantee, (LIARS) They ALWAYS have an exceuse as to why your constant outages do not qualify for a refund on their guarantee. DO NOT BE STUPID DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT HOSTING WITH THESE RIP OFFS!

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Uptime is terrible - Review by Shane submitted on November 22, 2002
Customer's web site: N/A
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 month - 3 months
Date when last hosted by this company (as of November 22, 2002): Current customer
Plan used: N/A
Customer service rating: 5 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 1 out of 10
Cost rating: 1 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
Infinology was the worst mistake my company has made. I went along with apparently "paid" reviews (ie: advertising made to look like reviews) and have regretted the decision ever since. There uptime is horrendous and they blame their bandwidth provider. I will warn people away from this company for as long and as many places as I can.

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I dont know what to say. BAD HOST!!!!! - Review by submitted on November 19, 2002
Customer's web site:
Length of time hosted by this company: 1 month - 3 months
Date when last hosted by this company (as of November 19, 2002): N/A
Plan used: Their Beginner Management Suit
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 1 out of 10
Cost rating: 7 out of 10
Overall rating: 2 out of 10
This host feels like a free host charging us money
its either
mail server goes down or the sql servers or the ftp servers or even the web servers goes down like 7 times a week. 
the downtime is more than the uptime.  is this suppose to be good service or just another way to steal our money
the FTP servers i have to re-connect to the FTP server over 50 times just to upload files to creat my forums.  i mean wtf is this.
99.9% uptime my arse
more like 40% uptime
id say even host ultra is better than these people

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Unacceptable. - Review by Min submitted on November 19, 2002
Customer's web site:
Length of time hosted by this company: less than a month
Date when last hosted by this company (as of November 19, 2002): Current customer
Plan used: basic - unix 7$/mo
Customer service rating: N/A
Technical quality rating: 1 out of 10
Cost rating: 1 out of 10
Overall rating: 2 out of 10
How can a webhost be this unreliable.  Did someone install games on the servers? Are these servers being run off laptops? Seriously, its obvious they are running off crap hardware.

I am really upset because I have been deceived by cnet.  I trust cnet but now I see that they're editors are not the experts they make themselves out to be.

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Constant Downtime - Review by Disappointed submitted on November 8, 2002
Customer's web site: N/A
Length of time hosted by this company: 3 months - 1 year
Date when last hosted by this company (as of November 8, 2002): 3 months - 1 year ago
Plan used: ELite
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 2 out of 10
Cost rating: 2 out of 10
Overall rating: 2 out of 10
Well I experienced the server crash too.
I do not need to tell you how upset I was. You can read
testimonies like that here, but what I want to say is since
they have been back online they have not been able to keep web sites
up all the time. Every 15 minues or so you get timeout readings for 20 seconds
to 2 minutes where 504 errors and 'can't find server' comes up. Customer support
says that this is normal! Can you believe that?

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Amazingly Bad - Review by Peter K. submitted on October 22, 2002
Customer's web site: N/A
Length of time hosted by this company: N/A
Date when last hosted by this company (as of October 22, 2002): Private
Plan used: basic
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 1 out of 10
Cost rating: 1 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
Stay Away! Went through long registration process. Gave all info- credit card #, address etc. At the end, an error was generated. Now I don't even know if I was charged. I called 2 different phone#s on their site. Got no one- sales or technical. Routed to message function. Could not even leave a phone message because the box was "full". Emailed and have not heard from since. This company sucks!

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Great uptime - Review by submitted on October 18, 2002
Customer's web site: N/A
Length of time hosted by this company: 3 months - 1 year
Date when last hosted by this company (as of October 18, 2002): Current customer
Plan used: N/A
Customer service rating: 2 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 10 out of 10
Cost rating: 10 out of 10
Overall rating: 9 out of 10
My site has been up according to my monitoring service, the tech support staff is not helpful but administrators are very helpful if you are lucky enough to get one on the phone.

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SHAMEFUL EXCUSE FOR WEB HOST! - Review by Anonymous submitted on October 15, 2002
Customer's web site: Submitted but not made public
Length of time hosted by this company: 3 months - 1 year
Date when last hosted by this company (as of October 15, 2002): Less than 3 months ago
Plan used: N/A
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 1 out of 10
Cost rating: 6 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
This company is seriously an embarrasment to web hosting.  The very first time I placed a Helpdesk "trouble" ticket with them I got attitude from the tech via email.  I knew things were only going to get worse.  Constant outages, non-existent customer service and plain poor communication is what makes these guys a complete disaster and not to mention an expensive one.  DONT DO IT!

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Worst Host in the WORLD - Review by submitted on October 15, 2002
Customer's web site:
Length of time hosted by this company: 3 months - 1 year
Date when last hosted by this company (as of October 15, 2002): 3 months - 1 year ago
Plan used: 5gigs Storage/5gigs Transfer (promotional)
Customer service rating: 1 out of 10
Technical quality rating: 1 out of 10
Cost rating: 1 out of 10
Overall rating: 1 out of 10
It's been such a horrible experience from the getgo that I don't even know were to begin...  They make you very suspect of small make-shift internet companies.  This by no means is a large company and the way they are run is so sad it's funny and disturbing at the same time.  DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY OF YOUR HARD EARNED DOLLARS!!!!!! If you work hard for your money like do, then your better off donating it to charity then to pay these fools for their attempt at hosting...

I have been stuck with them for over 5months and a month has not gone by where we had issues. A good web host is one that is invisble. Meaning there should be no problems and all u see is an invoice letting you know they earned their money. Not with Infinology.

I will just list the issues and you can make of it what you will.

1. Signed up for the 5gig package and it was put on a Windows platform.  Asked to switch it to a Unix platform and got an email with a couple of hours that it would be done.  Several months go by and many many phone calls and emails and always the same answer. "It will be done within a couple of days." Always the same result, NOTHING.  Anyways several months go by and still nothing.  We decide to give up and re-code all of our scripts to Windows and call them to tell them not to switch us over.  They agree and we spend the next couple of weeks re-coding.  About a month later after our site is up and running, without and notice our platform got switched to Unix so several weeks of work were just tossed out the window.  They did not switch us back..  WTF It gets worse...

2. Billing, somewhere along this nightmare they decide to bill me again.  I signed up for a 1year term to get the promotion and they rebilled me. So I'm on the phone with them again and nobody answers for the first couple of days.  I starting to worry. I finally get someone and they transfer me to billing and they are closed.. It's 12pm in the afternoon and their billing dept is closed??? WTF That was another sign I should have run as fast as I could to another host. So I call my credit card company and file a dispute.  What a huge waste of time!!! No one should ever have to go through this!!!

3. Their support department if you have any questions as most of us will when we set up a new account is horrible. The emails that comeback are cold and demeaning.  No one should have to feel bad for asking a question... 

4. Acceptable use policy must be read, cause they gonna shove it in your face and take your money. I had a couple of my software files backed up for safe keeping cause I was moving. Thought it would be a convenient way to reformat my system in my new temp location. Well I left software copies up there and well forgot to delete them after I finished my reformat. All of the sudden 3months later I notice my email is not working and when I called in they told me my account was closed for violating this policy.  I understand what they are saying, but after calling around I found out that most hosts will ask you to remove the files first.  Not Infinology, they cancelled my accout with no warning. Fine I even understand that. But I prepaid for a year of service and they will not refund the difference.  After getting into a screaming match with them I have no choice but to take legal action. I am in the process of fighting this of entering this battle and I will win... SHADY companies don't deserve to stay in business.


I just switched back to they charge a little more but after year with them I never had a problem. I tried to save money and get more at the same time and got screwed for leaving a reliable host.


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[Reviews 1-50] · [Reviews 51-71]


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